burstinto是什么意思中文翻译 burstintoflames是什么(me)意思?

2025-03-28 15:10:47Biological-SciencesScience

burstintoflames是什么意思?burst into flamena.烧起来网络:突然着火;燃烧起来;突然起火例句.The building burst into flames.大楼起火了。The paper burst into flames.那张纸突然着起火来



burst into flamena.烧起来网络:突然着火;燃烧起来;突然起火例句.The building burst into flames.大楼起火了。The paper burst into flames.那张纸突然着起火来。burst into flames突然燃烧起来 突然爆炸双语例句1But the row over gay adoption that burst into flames this week goes wider.但是本周突然燃烧起来的有关同性恋收养的争吵发展得更为广泛

2The reason, The batteries made by the Sony Corporation can burst into flames.原因就是这些由索尼公司制造的电池能够引发突然爆炸。 3Never seen a police car flip and cause other cars to burst into flames.也从未见过警车翻筋斗,撞得其它车起火。燃烧成火焰熊熊大火

burst into flames是什么意思?

burst into flamena.烧起来网络:突然着火;燃烧起来;突然起火例句.The building burst into flames.大楼起火了。The paper burst into flames.那张纸突然着起火来。


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