推销的英语翻译,推销用英语怎么说?sales promotion n. 促销 推销 [例句]Marketing research and product development are one side and advertising and salespromotion are another. 营销调查和产品开发是一个方面,广告和促销是另一个方面
sales promotion n. 促销 推销 [例句]Marketing research and product development are one side and advertising and salespromotion are another. 营销调查和产品开发是一个方面,广告和促销是另一个方面。“买卖”的英文如何拼写?
买卖的英文可翻译为transaction,business,sale,deal,都有交换、交易的意思。比如:The money he got from his father was the basis for a new business.从他父亲那里得到的钱是他做新买卖的本金。The gipsy grumbled frightfully , and declared if he did a few more deals of that sort he#30"d be ruined.吉卜赛人大发牢骚,抱怨说,这样的买卖要是再做几宗,他就要倾家荡产啦。Your conversation is like a dance in which you and the vendor are trying to getthe most out of a possible deal.你们的对话就像舞蹈,在其中你们要尽可能从可能的交易中获得更多。将“买卖”一词分开来看,买的动词英文拼写是“buy”,卖的动词英文拼写是“sell”。比如:What you need a printer? How much they intend to buy this printer?您需要一款怎样的打印机?打算花多少钱购买这个打印机?。But if you#30"re #30"pushing#30" any other product, you are trying to sell it.但如果你要“推销”其他产品,你就要努力地去卖它。