用bar造句?bark造句1. bark的意思1. He fell down the steps and barked his shins.他从台阶上跌下来,擦破了小腿上的皮。1. bark1. He barked at his secretary.他呵责秘书
- 1. bark的意思1. He fell down the steps and barked his shins.他从台阶上跌下来,擦破了小腿上的皮。1. bark1. He barked at his secretary.他呵责秘书。2. Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out.然后它便坐在那里直叫到有人放它出去为止
3. Dogs a澳门伦敦人lways at strangers.狗总是对着陌生人吠。1. bark的(读:de)意思1. The dog gave several fierce barks.狗汪汪狂吠了几声。
A bird is on the table1. The bird caught a bug on the fly. 那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。 2. A hovering bird showed him where dolphins were chasing some flying fish. 一只盘旋的鸟给他指明了海豚追逐飞鱼的地方。 3. #30"The early bird catches the worm#30" is an English proverb. “早到的鸟吃到食”(捷足先登)是一句英国谚语。 4. The bark shot out of the harbour like a bird. 那艘小船象一只鸟儿似的射出了港口。本文链接:http://10.21taiyang.com/Health-Conditions/3757451.html
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