sue的漂亮的干净的毛巾英语怎么写?看我的漂亮干净的毛巾。Look at my nice clean towel.看我的漂亮干净的毛巾。Look at my nice clean towel. 干净的
看我的漂亮干净的毛巾。Look at my nice clean towel.看我的漂亮干净的毛巾。Look at my nice clean towel.干净的英文单词怎么写?
干净.英语: clean. clean /kliːn/ 各种分词如下:#28cleaning, cleaned, cleaner, cleans, cleanest#29解释与例句见下:ADJ Something that is clean is free from dirt or unwanted marks. 清洁的The subway is efficient and spotlessly clean.地铁快,而且一尘不染。Tiled kitchen floors are easy to keep clean.铺了地砖的厨房地面容易保持清洁。2ADJ You say that people or animals are clean when they keep themselves or their surroundings clean. 爱干净的We like pigs, they#30"re very clean.我们喜欢猪,它们很爱干净。3ADJ A clean fuel or chemical process does not create many harmful or polluting substances. 无污染的Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet, and economical.电动车爱好者说电动车无污染,无噪音,而且经济。本文链接:
漂亮干净的英语怎么写 sue的漂亮(拼音:liàng)的干净的毛巾英语怎么写?转载请注明出处来源