用几句英文介绍莎士比亚?顶级专家认为此画主人公是莎士比亚本人莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家.诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学
顶级专家认为此画主人公是莎士比亚本人莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家.诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者,公元1564年4月23日生于英格兰沃里克郡斯特拉福镇,代表作有四大悲剧《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《李尔王》《麦克白》,四大喜剧《第十二夜》《仲夏夜之梦》《威尼斯商人》《无事生非》(人教版教材称《皆大欢喜》)历史剧《亨利四世》《亨利六世》《理查二世》等。还[繁体:還]写过154首十四行诗,三或四首长诗。他是“英国戏剧之父”,本·琼斯称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他为“人类最伟大的幸运飞艇天才之一”。被称为“人类文学奥林匹斯山上的宙斯”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家
《哈姆雷特》 Hamlet is referred to as Hamlet, also known as the prince"s revenge, William Shakespeare"s famous tragedies, is Shakespeare "s most famous plays, in" Hamlet", revenge story of love hate feeling sorrow..《奥赛罗》Othello" is to the end of the fifteenth Century Cyprus island as the stage. The protagonist Otero is a black moor, as the Venice army commander. He was listening to his words, killing the beautiful chaste wife Daisy de Mona. To understand the truth of the matter after the intersection, remorse, finally from the knife, follow wife in spring of.