插叙的英文翻译?顺叙 [词典] narration [例句]这部小说以顺叙的方式讲了一个爱情故事。This novel tells us a love story in typical narration.倒叙 [词典] flashback narrate from the end cut back [例句]作者在这里安插了一段倒叙
顺叙[词(繁澳门威尼斯人体:詞)典] narration
This novel tells us a love story in typical narration.
澳门金沙倒dào 叙
[澳门永利词典【练:diǎn】] flashback narrate from the end cut back
At this point the writer puts in [ inserts] a flashback.
[词典] (文学[繁:學]创作的一种描述手法) narration interspersed with flashbacks
On267, this is in one of these parenthetical passages where the narrator is commenting on what he#30"s just given account of in his experience.