Confucius said to Bo Yu, "Kong carp! I heard that people can not feel tired of all day, probably only learning! That person"s appearance is not worth looking at, his courage is not worth fearing, his ancestors are not worthy of praise, and his family name is not worth mentioning. However, the reason why he finally got a good reputation, spread all over the country, and has a good reputation is not the result of learning? Therefore, a gentleman can not do without learning, appearance can not be modified, there will be no good appearance and behavior, no good appearance and behavior, no good appearance and behavior, no good appearance and behavior, no close to each other will lose loyalty, no loyalty will lose etiquette, lose the foundation of the body, It"s the function of learning. It"s like a sewage pool with rain flowing into it and reeds growing. Although someone comes to watch, who knows its source? "