古诗的英文翻译是?有几个不同的版本:一、A Night Mooring By Maple Bridge (枫桥夜泊)Moon#30"s down, crows cry and the frost fill
澳门银河A Night Mooring By Maple Bridge (枫桥夜【读:yè】泊)
Moon#30"s down, crows cry and the frost fills all the sky 月落乌啼霜满天{pinyin:tiān}
By maples and boat lights. I sleepless lie 江风渔火对愁(pinyin:chóu)眠
Outside SuZhou HanShan Temple is in sight 姑苏城外寒山寺
It#30"s ringing bells reach my boat at midnight. 夜半(读:bàn)钟声到客船
A Night Mooring By Maple Bridge (枫桥(qiáo)夜泊)
At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky 月(yuè)落乌啼霜满天
Diml澳门新葡京y lit fishing boats #30"neath maples sadly lie. 江风渔火huǒ 对愁眠
Beyo澳门银河nd the city walls, from Temple of Cold Hill 姑苏城外寒{练:hán}山寺
Bells break the ship-borne roamer#30"s dream and midnight still 夜半钟声到客{pinyin:kè}船
枫桥夜泊古诗英文翻译许渊冲 古gǔ 诗<枫桥夜泊>的英文翻译是?转载请注明出处来源