晒鞋架用英语怎么说?Display shoe rack by picture #30"晒鞋架#30"是网络用语,意思是用照片把鞋架展示出来 所以如上翻译更为贴切衣架的英语翻译,衣架用英语怎么说?衣架 [
Display shoe rack by picture #30"晒鞋架#30"是网络用语,意思是用照片把鞋架展示出来 所以如上翻译更为贴切衣架的英语翻译,衣架用英语怎么说?
衣架 [词典] hanger clothes stand [hanger] clothes tree clothes-rack clothes rack [例句]这些女裁缝围着模特儿衣架叽叽嘎嘎地讨论衣服这里或那里要做的小改动。The seamstresses cluck around a dummy, discussing a tuck here and there.衣架的英语怎么说?
hanger 挂物的东西;尤指衣架,挂衣钩 coat hanger 衣架;挂衣钩 clothes rack clothes tree 衣架 屋子犄角里有一个衣架。 A clothes tree stands in a corner of the room我把外衣挂在衣架上I hang my coat up on a hanger本文链接:http://10.21taiyang.com/Health-Conditions/19173730.html