Twins的《Sunny Day》 歌词?《Sunny Day》歌词:歌名:sunny day歌手:twins sunny day oh sunny dayhow i long for a sunny
Twins的《Sunny Day》 歌词?
《Sunny Day》歌词:歌名:sunny day歌手:twins sunny day oh sunny dayhow i long for a sunny dayi want to dance i want to dancehey hey hey hey oh sunny daysunny day oh sunny dayplease don#30"t let up wait for youlet your sun beams shine on uscome out dear and shine for all一首名叫goodtime的英文歌曲,歌词里有带sunshine?
含有歌词“good time good day sunshine”的歌曲名是《Good Day Sunshine》。《Good Day Sunshine》一歌收录于英国摇滚乐队The Beatles1966年专辑《Revolver》,主要由Paul McCartney创作,署名为Lennon-McCartney。澳门新葡京 歌【练:gē】曲歌词:
Good Day Sunshine, Good Day Sunshine, Good Day Sunshine,
I need to laugh, and when the sun is out
I#30"ve got something I can blab about I feel good
Good Day Sunshine, Good Day Sunshine, Good Day Sunshine,
We take a walk, the sun is shining down
Good Day Sunshine, Good Day Sunshine, Good Day Sunshine,
And then we lie beneath a shady tree
She feels good, she knows she#30"s looking fine
I#30"m so proud to know that she is mine.
Good Day Sunshine, Good Day Sunshine, Good Day Sunshine,